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How To Use Boss Oblivion

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Oblivion definition is - the fact or condition of not remembering: a state marked by lack of awareness or consciousness. How to use oblivion in a sentence. Oblivion and the River Lethe. Load order sorting for TES IV: Oblivion. While sorting, BOSS checks for load order errors such as incompatibilities and missing requirements, and notifies you of any issues that it detects. It also provides thousands of plugin-specific messages such as usage notes and bug warnings, to. Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS) automatically orders more than 10,000 plugins, and it will save the user a ton of work managing a load order, or even multiple load orders.The result is not always 100% correct, but if the plugins are not all unknown, the result will be close. Most users are recommended to follow the BOSS load order unless they want to make specific tweaks and know what. For commands in other games, see Console Commands. Console Commands are a debugging tool available to PC players, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. The tilde key ( ` ) toggles the console screen open and closed. On most English language keyboards, it sits below the Escape (esc) key, and just left of the 1 (one) key. 1 Comparisons with other games 2 The console 2.1 Entering.

The console is an in-game tool available to PC players. From the console it is possible, while playing the game, to enter commands that will alter most aspects of gameplay, and it is also possible to obtain detailed information about NPCs, creatures, and other items in the game. The console is only available on a PC; there is no way to use the console on the Xbox 360 or PS3 platforms.

  • 2Commands

General Information[edit]

To enable the console, make sure the bAllowConsole is set to 1 in your oblivion.ini file. If it's not there, you can add it in the [Interface] section. The console can then be accessed in-game by toggling the 'tilde key' (the actual key can be ~, º, ¬, |,^, , §, etc. depending on your keyboard layout), found near the '1' key on most keyboards. The console prompt will appear in the lower left-hand corner of your screen. You can scroll the console output using the 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys. The console is not case sensitive: entering any of 'tdt' or 'TDT' or 'TdT' will toggle the debugging text.

Many commands are targeted: this means that you may use 'player.command' to affect the player character, or RefID.command to affect the NPC, object, or area specified by RefID. The RefID has to be enclosed within quotes. e.g. 'RefID'.command. You may also target an NPC or object in the console by clicking on them, and then run 'command' to affect the NPC or object. When an NPC or object is targeted in this way, their name and hex code will be displayed at the top of the console. For example, to unlock a door, open the console, click on the door so it is the active object in the console (its name and RefID are shown at the top of the screen), then type unlock.

Commands which are abbreviated (for example: 'tai') can also be run by using their full name; thus, 'toggleai' is synonymous with 'tai,' and 'getactorvalue' is synonymous with 'getav.' In most cases the long command is an obvious progression from the abbreviation. Also, most 'setSomething' commands have a counterpart 'getSomething,' even if the counterpart isn't shown here.

Some commands require a formid. Most articles on objects provide the id or ids for those items, but items from mods will begin with 'xx', a code that will not work in-game. Follow the tips on this page to find the correct id to use.

If you are writing a series of commands in a textfile, to be executed with console command 'bat' (read commands in the next section) you can use the symbol ';' to indicate a comment, that will not be executed.

An example of bat-executable textfile:

Warning: Use console commands with caution! It is easily possible to mess up your game if you modify settings at the console. Even if short term the game functions normally, you may later discover that you have made it impossible to complete a quest and therefore you cannot proceed normally with game play; fixing that problem can then make new glitches pop up elsewhere. Create a permanent saved game before experimenting with the console. If you need to use the console to fix a glitch, try to use the least powerful command possible.

Note: If you are running Oblivion on Windows XP Media Center Edition or Windows Vista, and an infrared remote receiver is plugged in (note that many laptops have this built in), your console may not function properly. In order to restore its functionality, unplug the receiver for your Media Center Remote (or if it's built in use the device manager to disable or uninstall 'ITECIR Infrared Receiver' from 'Human Interface Devices'). This will allow you to use the console, as the receiver interferes with Oblivion's programming. Additionally, a built-in infrared receiver on laptops can cause the same issue and disabling it in the Device Manager has proven to fix the console function. Alternatively, a Ring of Console mod has been created to circumvent this problem. You can also use Change Console Key mod (requires OBSE and latest oblivion patch) to change the key or use Oblivion Console Spell (requires OBSE) to open the console. Using either of these will avoid any difficulties that the Ring of Console may have saving the game while toggling menus.

Mod Manager For Oblivion



How to Read the Command Table[edit]

When a command requires arguments, e.g. additem , the brackets <> indicate that should be replaced with the appropriate ID, and with the appropriate quantity. The brackets are not part of the syntax. So additem becomes additem 0002299c 1.


Toggle Commands[edit]

These commands toggle settings on and off.
showsubtitleToggles NPC conversation subtitles
taiToggle AIThis command can be targeted, so you can selectively turn off AI for some actors but not others. If you try to turn off the player AI (try 'player.tai'), you will be unable to move the player. If nothing is targeted this will turn off AI for all actors.
tcaiToggle combat AIActors will still engage in combat, but they won't move to fight once they engage. This can also be used as a targeted command. If no actor is targeted will turn off combat AI for all actors.
tclToggle collision (clipping, noclip)You can essentially fly. Point in a direction and move wherever you want. You can also fly through buildings and even the landscape. This command is targeted; if no actor is selected it will turn off collision for the player only. Note that your horse is considered a separate actor, even when you are riding. If you get stuck in a rock while on horseback, you must select the horse before entering the 'tcl' command.

Notes: Dropped or falling items will stop moving. Killing an NPC while collision is toggled off will seem to freeze the creature, leaving it in the exact position it was in when you delivered the killing blow. It will still die, but it will not fall down until the command is off. If you die or get paralyzed while this command is on, your character will fly off opposite the final blow. This may mean flying into the air, or through the floor of the cell/world. This is followed by the usual 'load last save?' screen the first time, but doing it again may cause the game to hang or crash.

pcbPurge cell bufferThis will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells. However, since it purges cached cells, any cells you visited in the recent past will have to be reloaded completely when re-entered.
tdetectToggle AI detectionThis command can be used as a targeted command. If no target is selected, it will turn off detection for all actors. If actors are engaged in combat with you, this will not stop them from seeing and attacking you. Similarly, if a guard is coming to arrest you, this will not stop him.
tdtToggle debug textDisplay (or remove) debugging text on the screen. The default selection is some graphics info, including your frames per second. For more information, see SetDebugText
tfcFreeflying cameraSets your controls to move the camera around, instead of the player. Use with third-person view to get a good look at your character. Combined with tlb and possibly twf, it is very useful for locating items that have fallen through geometry. They are usually found at a distance directly below where they should be.
tfowToggle fog of warDisplays the complete map for your local area, including areas you have not yet explored.
tfhToggle full help
tgToggle grass
tgmToggle god modeNo damage taken, no magicka consumed, no fatigue used, all learned spells castable, no encumbrance limit (carried items still slow character), unlimited arrows, no weapon or armor degradation. You can only use this on yourself.
thdToggle Heads-up Picture-in-PictureA small copy of the full screen render will appear in the top left hand corner of the screen, along with two brown boxes.
tlbToggle Lite BriteMakes everything bright and lighted, as well as gives tremendous performance boost. Has minor deficiencies with land. It decreases visual quality significantly, but is useful when a performance boost is needed.
tllToggle land LOD (level of detail)
tlvToggle leaves
tmToggles menus (HUD)'Menus' refers to the Heads-up Display (HUD) at the bottom of the screen: the health/magicka/fatigue meters, your current weapon and spell, etc. This also removes the crosshair if it's present. This command is useful for taking screenshots without all the clutter.
tmgToggle material geometryThis shows the normally hidden wires which are how the game determines collision. Useful mostly for modders who wish to have a more detailed look into the map while still in-game.
tmm Show/hide all map markersshould be 1 to show all markers, or 0 to hide all markers. Note that hiding markers hides all markers - including the city markers that are automatically visible at the beginning of the game.
tsToggle sky
ttToggle trees
twfToggle wireframe mode
twrToggle water radiusUnknown, but shows a grid of water (green diamonds) and land (blue diamonds) in a radius around the player. Red diamonds seem to be related to pathing judging from example outputs.
twsToggle water rendering

Targeted Commands[edit]

These commands require a target reference. Select one with the mouse in the console, use the 'prid' command, prefix the command with 'player' to target the player character or prefix the command with a RefID to target something else. Remember to enclose the RefID prefix within quotes. e.g. 'AED41'.Additem F 1000
activateActivate targetActivates the target (such as a door). Example.: using this on a door from across the room will open the door as though the player were standing nearer to it. This command can also 'force' open the Sealed Portal in the quest Where Spirits Have Lease, among other uses.
additem Add item to inventorySee the various item pages for item BaseIDs. For example, since the item code for gold is F, player.additem F 1000 will make your character 1000 gold richer.
disableDisable an object or NPCRemoves an object or NPC from the world. The object information is still stored in your savegame, but otherwise the object effectively no longer exists.(Note if you use it on yourself the game will crash.)
enableEnables an object or NPCEnables a disabled object or NPC.
removeitem Remove item from inventoryThe opposite of additem. See the various item pages for item codes.
equipitem Equip an ItemCauses an NPC or creature to equip the item specified by BaseID, provided that the item is already in the NPC's or creature's inventory, setting the noUnEquip flag as 1 will prevent the item being unequiped by normal means, setting it as 0 or leaving it blank will equip it with normal behavior.
removeallitemsRemove all items from inventoryStrips a target of all items in their inventory. Does not remove non-playable items, such as the Imperial Watch armor.
addspell Add spellSee the list of spell codes.
removespell Remove spellSee the list of spell codes.
dispel Dispel a specific magic effect from targetSee the list of spell codes. Works on enchantment effects affecting target. To find enchantment FormIDs, use the Elder Scrolls Construction Set.
dispelallspellsDispel all spell-based magic effects from targetDoes not work on enchantment effects affecting target.
createfullactorcopyClones target actorThis will create a living actor even if the target is dead. And yes, you can clone your player character, and talk to — or fight with — yourself. If you have completed the Knights of the Nine questline, you may order your clone to follow you. WARNING: if you kill yourself while in a guild, you will be expelled for killing a member (the member being yourself), and if your clone kills a member of your guild, you will be expelled.
deletefullactorcopyDeletes a clone of the target actorThis will delete a clone that was created using the 'createfullactorcopy' command.
DuplicateAllItems Duplicates all items from the target container to the referenced container.

Example: DuplicateAllItems 000b15e5 ; This would duplicate all items from the TARGETED container/actor/npc to container with the RefID 000b15e5.

WARNING: Any scripted item will be duplicated almost identically: Any script variables will be set to 0 on the duplicate. The duplicate will have a new FormID, meaning if (Original New) will never be true. More importantly, meaning if any script referenced the original the duplicate will not work. For instance if (player.GetItemCount AmuletOfKings) will never be true if the player has the duplicate. Note that quest items are duplicated as well, so use with care. Many quests assume that a quest item is unique -- creating a second version of it can have undesirable results.

getav Get value of attributeHere, includes the eight basic attributes (strength, intelligence, etc.), derived attributes (health, magicka, fatigue, encumbrance), NPC-only attributes (aggression, responsibility, etc.), skills (blade, blunt, etc.), and various spell effects. The full list of attributes recognized by getav is provided at Actor Value Indices.
setav Sets value of attributeSetav recognizes the same attributes as getav (see Actor Value Indices). If used on a skill, it will increase the skill without causing inadvertent level-up issues (like with 'advskill'); the expertise level message does not show but the expertise level is increased or decreased correctly.
setscale Change target heightSize for a human is 1. Can set a range between .50 (roughly 2ft tall), and 2 (roughly 20ft tall).
kill Kill actorWill not truly kill Essential characters, they will revive as they normally do because of their Essential tag. For some reason this produces a lot of output to the console. Specifying a will assign credit for the kill (for determining some quest updates, bounty, etc.).
lock Lock Target is the degree of complexity (1-99). 100 is unpickable/needs a key. Just typing 'lock' will relock at the original level.
unlockUnlock TargetCan be used on doors or chests.
moddisposition modify dispositionTo use this command, select the NPC whose disposition you want to modify, then type in the ActorID of the NPC the selected NPC's disposition will be modified toward. To modify an NPC's disposition towards the player (the same value used for the purposes of revealing information), select the player (to get the ActorID), type in his/her ActorID, input the amount you want to add to or subtract from (use '-' when decreasing) the NPC's disposition, select the NPC, and press Enter. The effective range is 0–100.
moveto Teleports the actor to destination is the Reference ID for an existing object, person, or creature to which you would like to be transported. To move to a specified location, you should use the coc command instead.
payfinePay criminal finesWhile you will not be teleported to prison like when you select the 'Pay Fines' dialog option with a guard, all your stolen items will be removed in the same manner. You will have to find the evidence chest to get them back, as usual. When used on NPCs, this command does not set their bounty to 0, but it works like one would expect when used on the player character.
payfinethiefPay criminal fines without removing stolen itemsThis command is similar to payfine but will not remove stolen items from your inventory. An amount of gold equal to half of your bounty will be removed from your inventory (as if you were using a Thieves GuildDoyen to remove your bounty).
placeatme Spawns new copy of object in front of actor is a base Form ID as seen in the 'Object Window' of the Construction Set. BaseIDs exist for items, NPCs, creatures, etc. This command will spawn a new copy of the object. UESP articles (e.g. Oblivion:Items) provide the BaseIDs for all listed objects, or the same IDs are available at PlanetElderScrolls. This command should not be used for unique NPCs; see NPCs and prid instead.

WARNING: Overuse of the placeatme command may result in savegame bloating, which can lead to savegame corruption.

resurrect <1>Resurrects target actorUnless you use this command the instant the NPC is killed, the game will still register the target as 'Dead' and they will subsequently not be mentioned in dialogue and sometimes specifically referred to as 'Dead' during a quest. Adding a tag of '1' at the end (i.e., resurrect 1) will make the target get up instead of vanishing and reappearing, thus allowing them to keep their equipment. If an NPC's corpse has vanished already, you will also need to enable the NPC. Using this on the player character will not dismiss the 'Load last save?' screen, and the camera will behave as if you were still lying dead on the ground. However, if you use the resurrect command before the Loading message appears, the player will revive, but the camera will be centered on the feet rather than the head.
SetActorFullName Sets actor's name must be in quotes if it contains a space, e.g. player.SetActorFullName 'Jagar Tharn'
getBarterGoldGets the target's shop gold
setBarterGold Sets the target's shop gold.
getcrimegoldGets the target's current bounty.Shows what the targeted actor's current bounty is.
setcrimegold Sets bounty on targetDoes not automatically stop guards from attacking you if set to 0; you still have to yield to them. In some situations you may incur further bounty before you can yield.
setessential Sets the target's essential flag1 = Essential, 0 = Non-essential. If the player is set as essential, they will be knocked down rather than killed; however, the camera will be stuck at their feet once they awaken.
setlevel Changes target's levelDoes not bring up the usual level advance screen; also see 'advlevel' below.
SetOpenState Changes the opened/closed/locked state of a doorChanges the state of a targeted door. Setting a state of 1 will unlock and - if possible - open any door; including those that require a key. Setting a state of 0 will close a door if it is possible to do so. Doors cannot be locked or re-locked with this command; use lock. Other integers have no effect.
SetOwnership [|]Changes ownership of targeted item to Player Character (if no parameter is specified), or to the specified or Potentially useful for situations where the game does not recongnize that an item (e.g. door or bed) should rightfully 'belong' to the player (example). The parameter is the BaseID of an NPC and is the FormID of a specific faction. For a list of factions and corresponding FormIDs, see Oblivion:Factions. See also constwiki:SetOwnership.
stopcombatStop target combatDepending on circumstances, the actor may immediately re-engage in combat.
startcombat Start target combatMake a creature or NPC attack a creature, NPC or player specified by
startconversation , Starts NPC conversationMake an NPC have a conversation with another NPC. refers to a dialogue topic as listed in the Construction Set. greeting is the topic name for when the conversation opens, so targeting an NPC and entering startconversation player greeting would start a conversation as though the player had walked up to the NPC and pressed their activate button (useful if the NPC is hostile due to a bug, though if the NPC is meant to be hostile it may trigger 'I HAVE NO GREETING')

WARNING: Deutz fl 511 service manual free. Failed use may cause player to get stuck in cinematic mode, NPCs to freeze, and for random dialogue to play.

  • In some cases, if this command results in an npc repeatedly starting conversation with you, this may be fixed by using the coc command to move to a different cell.

Other Commands[edit]

These commands don't really lend themselves to a category.
advlevelForces a levelupThis command does display the usual levelup dialog where you select the attributes to increase. When using this, the number of times you have to level up your major skills to level again does NOT advance. This means that if you had 3 major skill levels until your next level, and you used the advlevel command to level three times, you will need 23 major skill improves before the game starts leveling you again.
advskill Forces a skill level upUsing this method the game's internal mechanics will report a skill increase when you enter this command, and it will advance normally (unlike modpcs on pre 1.1.511 versions of Oblivion which was subject to a bug that caused locking the skill in place until internal re-synch). However, using this command to increase the level of a major skill too high will result in messing up your level-ups, as it will register several major skill increases. Using negative or extremely high numbers may crash the game.
bat Executes the file with name The batch file should be in your Oblivion installation directory (for example, C:Program FilesBethesda SoftworksOblivion) and may contain console commands separated by a line break.
completequest Complete current quest
caqsComplete all quest stagesThis will complete ALL quests in the game, including test quests left in the game by the developers and quests added by mods, but doesn't give any titles for any guild factions.
coc Teleport to See individual Place pages for that location's console codes. When teleporting, you may not appear where you expect to.
coe ,Teleport to The difference between this and coc is that this command takes two coordinates for an exterior cell. Most place pages will give the location of the exterior coordinates. Example: coe -9,19.
enableplayercontrolsEnables player control during cinematic modeThis command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch and not enable your controls again - instead of reloading, put in this command and carry on.
essentialdeathreloadForces you to reload after displaying a messageThis command is used in Martin's and Jauffre's death scripts to force the player to reload the game when they are killed.
fov Changes the FOV (field of view) of the playerThis command works only with the first person camera and it unfortunately resets every time you speak to a character or change camera. The is in degrees. The default FOV is 75, but a FOV of 90 may be desirable. Setting fDefaultFov in Oblivion.ini to a desired FOV to will keep the FOV from reseting; however changing the value in Oblivion.ini will alter the size of the menu layer causing a number of visual bugs and clicking issues. Due to how 3D to 2D projection works, edges will look stretched with high FOVs. Values over 180 and under 0 will have no effect. Setting a FOV of 0 will restore the default FOV. This command can be useful for zooming into distant areas of the environment (it is essentially how 'zooming' works in many video games) but obviously, it will not override the game's drawing distance for objects and scenery.
fw Force WeatherInstantly set the weather to a particular type. The ID must be one of the following:
  • 08BBC
thunderstorm (Kvatch)
  • 370CE
  • 38EEC
  • 38EED
  • 38EEE
  • 38EEF
  • 38EF0
  • 38EF1
  • 38EF2
  • 32e15
oblivion default
  • 67198
oblivion electrical
  • 67199
oblivion storm (Oblivion)
  • 671A1
oblivion mountain fog
  • 6bC8B
oblivion storm (MQ16)
  • 836D5
oblivion storm (Tamriel)
  • C0999
oblivion sigil
  • C42DE
Sigil Whiteout
  • 15883
SE32 Gloom Storm
  • 41775
SI Test Bliss Clear
  • 44F58
SI Clear Blue
  • 44F59
SI Cloudy
  • 44F5A
SI Fog
  • 44F5C
SI Rain
  • 44F5D
SI Thunderstorm
  • 452B5
SE09 Summoning Weather
  • 6D221
SI Clear 01
  • 6D222
SI Clear 03
  • 71D2F
SI Test Ash
  • 77B28
SI Overcast
  • 77B56
SI Waiting Room
  • 77C0A
SI Ordered Fringe
  • 78801
SI Clear
  • 79D76
SI Mania Fog
  • 825A6
SE13 Jiggy Weather
  • 8EF42
SI Clear Trans
getstage Returns the current stage of the specified questThis shows you the current quest stage. 10 generally indicates quest accepted, other than that, it's all quest dependent.
setstage Sets the current stage of a questQuest stages can be found on each individual quest page. First, select the quest you want to change in your journal. Use the SQT command to see the quest id, then use the getstage command to see the stage. Usually you add or subtract 10 to change the stage, but there are exceptions.
killallKills all creatures in a large radiusKills all actors in the loaded area -- in an exterior, the 5x5 cells around the player; in an interior, the cell that the player is currently in.
modpca Adds n points to an attributeAttributes are subject to the same rules as skills in the entry below, except that you may use negative values.
modpcs Adds n points to the skillSkill name to use is the name minus spaces, e.g. handtohand. If you enter a value that would cause the skill to exceed 255 it will reset back to 0 and continue adding the remaining. Negative values will crash the game. This command was subject to a bug that was fixed in Oblivion 1.1.511. Using it on older versions will appear to end the ability of a skill to level up, but the skill will resume to level, once its internal level (the level it would be at without using the Console Command) has caught up with the level dictated by the Console Command. Abilities such as Vampirism alter the base value of the skill, and are subject to the 255 limit. WARNING: Do not use a negative , as this will cause the game to crash.
movetoqtTeleports you to your quest targetThis sometimes results in you being stuck in a wall, stuck in cinematic mode (can't move etc.), or can mess up the current quest. Be prepared to toggle collision (tcl) or reload. For quests with multiple targets, movetoqt X, with X being an integer variable will teleport you between specific targets - e.g. movetoqt 2.
prid Pick reference by IDSelect an existing copy of an object/creature/NPC using its reference FormID. All subsequent targeted commands will use this object as the target. This is the same as clicking on the object in the console, but can be used even if the object is invisible or in a different area.
psbAdd all spells to playerNote that this adds ALL spells of Oblivion, including the spells that were used to test Oblivion, and spells added by activated mods. Without using modifications, there are more than 600 spells. This will make your spell menu load slowly, and it is hard to find certain spells with so many.
qqqExit game without using menus
save [1]Save gameSaves the game using the name specified. Using the optional '1' will also save a text file (name.ess.txt) which contains information about the save file (see Save File Format for more information).
saveiniSave ini settingsForces a save of the oblivion.ini file with current settings in the Options menu. Useful to save your settings if your game crashes when exiting (some custom mods cause this).
set to Set Global VariableSets a global variable to the given value. Use show to see the current value.
setdebugtextSelects Debugging InfoSelects what info tdt displays. See SetDebugText for more info.
setpcfame Set Player Fame
setpcinfamy Set Player Infamy
setquestobject Set Quest ObjectChanges the quest object status of the specified object. Setting to '1' will turn an object into a quest object: setting it to '0' clears quest item status.
sexchangeChanges your genderCan be used on NPCs if player is in separate area from target NPC. After doing so, the game must be saved and reloaded or game may crash when player enters an area with affected NPCs. Game may still become unstable after doing so. If you use the command on an NPC in the same cell as you, the game will crash.

Only changes body clothes and some dialogue. Face will remain the same (sometimes with Argonians a color change in the face occurs). If the subject has unique dialog then when they talk nothing will be said, only the subtitles (if enabled) will show. If used on the player, they will become headless, but the voice and body will still change.

set timescale to sets the speed of how fast time advances in-gameDefault value is 30. Setting the value to 1 will make time advance at the same rate as the real world. Setting value to negative will reverse time, but will turn the clock to negative values if allowed to past midnight. To fix glitches related to negative time, use the console command set gamehour to 0

Altering the value of timescale can cause bugs to occur during various quests (e.g., A Brush with Death, Where Spirits Have Lease). Resetting timescale to the default value of 30 fixes the bugs.

show Show Value of Global VariableUse set to set a variable.
showbirthsignmenuAllows you to change your birthsignUsing this command doesn't empty your spellbook like in Morrowind.
showclassmenuChange ClassWARNING: Using this menu will reset all of your skills to their default initial settings. If you want to save your current skills, you'll have to open the escape menu right before clicking the final 'done' button, save the game through the console (save test) and then reload it (load test). After the reload your Classes will be changed like you wanted them to be and your skills will not be reset)
showenchantmentEnchanting windowThis will pull up the Enchanting window.
showracemenuChange Race/AppearanceNew racial abilities, benefits and weaknesses do not seem to be awarded properly when you use this menu, although the old ones are removed. WARNING: Using this menu will reset all of your skills to their default initial settings. If you want to save your current skills, you'll have to open the escape menu right before clicking the final 'done' button, save the game through the console (save test) and then reload it (load test). After the reload your race and appearance will be changed like you wanted them to be and your skills will not be reset. WARNING: Using this command while wearing bound items may crash the game.
showspellmakingSpellmaking windowThis will pull up the Spell Making window.
sqShow all questsList all quests in the game, not just ones you're on, along with current stage.
sqtShow current questShows the status of the current quest.
ssgCreates a window with the full game scene graphYou may need to Alt-Tab out of Oblivion to see the window.
sw Set WeatherAllow the weather to morph into a particular type. See fw for the codes.
swdpShow Who's Detecting PlayerDisplays a list of characters currently detecting the player.
getgs Get Game SettingReturns the value of the referenced game setting. For example, getgs fSneakSleepBonus would return -10
setgs Set Game SettingSets the referenced game setting to the selected value. For example, setgs fSneakSleepBonus -40 would change the sneak bonus against sleeping NPCs to -40

See Also[edit]

Retrieved from ''

How To Mod Oblivion Gog

Note: FIle size is incorrectly displayed on the file page, the download sizes are: 900MB for the zipped archive or 1.2GB for the OMOD.
Name: Insanity's Improved Armoury Compilation
Version: 1.21 FINAL
Date: 03/27/2012
Category: Armor
Author: InsanitySorrow
Source: TES Alliance
Oblivion 1.2.416
InsanitySorrow has created a large number of high-resolution texture and normal map replacers for stock armor and weapons, compiled two ways for your convenience.
The first package is a scripted OMOD that will allow you to install all the textures or choose only specific ones to install. This .omod can only be used or extracted by Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM).
The second package is a .7zip archive that contains the full compilation in one parent folder, so you can manually install the whole thing in the usual drag-and-drop-and-overwrite fashion. The alternate Elven and Glass textures are offered as well, in separate folders. This package is BAIN-friendly.
Both packages include all of InsanitySorrow's high-rez armor and weapon retextures to date:
Improved Armoury - Amelion Armor
Improved Armoury - Arena Champion
Improved Armoury - Ayleid Crown
Improved Armoury - Blackwater Cuirass
Improved Armoury - Blackwater Blade
Improved Armoury - Blackwood
Improved Armoury - Blades
Improved Armoury - Bloodworm Helm
Improved Armoury - Chainmail Armor
Improved Armoury - Chillrend
Improved Armoury - City Guards
Improved Armoury - Daedric Armor
Improved Armoury - Daedric Bracers
Improved Armoury - Daedric Weapons
Improved Armoury - Dark Brotherhood
Improved Armoury - Debaser
Improved Armoury - Dwarven
Improved Armoury - Ebony Armor
Improved Armoury - Elven Armor
Improved Armoury - Golden Elven
Improved Armoury - Fur Armor
Improved Armoury - Glass
Improved Armoury - Dark Green Glass
Improved Armoury - Darker Green Glass
Improved Armoury - Gray Fox Cowl
Improved Armoury - Imperial Dragon
Improved Armoury - Imperial Palace Cuirass
Improved Armoury - Imperial Watch
Improved Armoury - Iron
Improved Armoury - Leather
Improved Armoury - Legion
Improved Armoury - Legion Horseman Helm
Improved Armoury - Mithril Armor
Improved Armoury - Mythic Dawn
Improved Armoury - Orcish Armor
Improved Armoury - Pit Leather
Improved Armoury - Savior's Hide
Improved Armoury - Shield of the Thorn
Improved Armoury - Silver Weapons
Improved Armoury - Spellbreaker
Improved Armoury - Staff of Indarys
Improved Armoury - Steel
Improved Armoury - Thorn Blade
Improved Armoury - Witsplinter
Enhanced Normal Maps - Daedric
Enhanced Normal Maps - Daedric Artifacts
Enhanced Normal Maps - Dwarven
Enhanced Normal Maps - Ebony
Enhanced Normal Maps - Elven
Enhanced Normal Maps - Glass
Enhanced Normal Maps - Madness
Enhanced Normal Maps - Spellbreaker
BAIN (using the 7zip archive)
1) Move or copy the downloaded archive to your Bash Installers folder, no need to extract first.
2) From the Wyre Bash installers tab, select the archive on the left. Check the boxes on the right for Core Files and any alternate colors you wish to install.
3) Right-click on the archive on the left, and choose Install from the context menu.
OMOD (using the .omod)
1) Double-click the .omod file from within Windows Explorer. This will open OBMM and automatically add the .omod to OBMM.
2) Double-click the .omod from within OBMM to begin installation. Follow the prompts to select which content you want to install.
Manual (using the 7zip archive)
1) Extract the archive you downloaded to a temporary location.
2) Copy the contents of the 'Core Files' folder to your .OblivionData folder. Click 'Yes' to overwrite, if prompted.
3) Repeat step 2 for any of the alternate folders, if desired.
Wrye Bash and OBMM both handle ArchiveInvalidation for you, which is required for texture replacers such as this to take effect in-game. If you don't have either of those applications, please consult your internet search engine of choice for other solutions.
Right-click the archive from the Installers tab and choose Uninstall from the context menu.
Double-click the .omod from within OBMM to de-activate it.
Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
Please contact InsanitySorrow @ TESAlliance with any inquiries.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Tools Used:
Insanity's ReadMe Generator

broken image